Corporate bylaws (may also be spelled as "by-laws") are the rules of a corporation (which may be a dog club), established by the Board of Directors during the process of creating the corporation. When a dog club is incorporated, one of the first tasks of the new corporation is to have corporate bylaws created and approved by the American Kennel Club and club members.
The club bylaws are the rules that direct the operations of the corporation. Specifically, the bylaws direct the board of directors in their work to oversee the corporation.
Our club bylaws can be updated by following the procedures required by corporate law as defined by the state in which the club is incorporated. The Chow Chow Club, Inc. is incorporated as a New York Not for Profit Corporation. Any change to the bylaws must be approved by the members in good standing of the club and the American Kennel Club (AKC)
The Bylaws are published in pdf format for consistant formatting and ease of viewing. They may be viewed online or downloaded using link below.