Generally, Chows are "poor risks" when anesthesia is involved, and Chows should be treated by the veterinarian as he would treat a Bulldog or any extremely short-muzzled dog.
If your Chow tears more than you feel is normal, he may have "entropion," a turning-in of the eyelashes. If your Chow tears excessively, consult your veterinarian for advice.
Another problem with the Chow is that he is subject to heat prostration if left in a hot, closed-in area or in the sun. He is particularly bothered by extremely high humidity, especially if the temperature climbs above eighty degrees. Never, Never leave any dog in the car in hot weather. Symptoms of the beginning of heat prostration are constant panting followed by heavy rasping breathing. Should your Chow have such a problem with the heat, fast treatment is a must. If you are at home and have access to water and ice, wet him down with cold water, wrap him in towels soaked in cold water, and put several ice bags on him. Call the veterinarian immediately! In these moments your Chow may be close to death, and you must act with the greatest dispatch. When he is suffering from heat prostration, in addition to the above-mentioned remedies, he needs cool shade, quiet and rest and no extra anxiety. If you are traveling when this problem arises, try to find a gas station or any place so you can wet down your Chow. Most experienced Chow breeders suggest that if you must travel with your Chow in extremely hot weather, your car should be air-conditioned. Do not take an unnecessary risk by subjecting your Chow to heat and humidity even if you should miss a dog show or a trip or any activity in which your Chow may feel the heat and humidity. When the weather is hot and humid, your Chow should be at home in a cool, quiet room, or in a cool yard or kennel with plenty of cool water. An air-conditioned house, kennel, and car are the best prevention for heat attacks.
More information on chow health may be found on the CCCI Chow Health website.